I am a nobody. I am just another human being on the planet among 7 billion people. There is nothing special about me. There is also everything special about me. I am unique. I am not you and you are not me. Although, we are all similar in many ways. We are all human beings. We all have thoughts, attitudes and feelings, but we were all raised by different adult figures in our lives in different locations. We have all had different life experiences. Even my siblings raised in the same household as me had different life experiences and; therefore, they are extremely different than I am.
One truth for every single one of us is that we are ALL sinners in need of a Savior. If you have ever told a lie, if you have ever stolen even ONE grape from the produce section or ONE candy from the bulk candy counter if you have stolen anything, then you are a liar and/or a thief. If you have ever HATED someone, the Bible says, you have done the same as committing murder in your heart. If you have lusted after someone, anyone, then the Bible says, you have formicated or if you are/were married at the time then you have committed adultery in your heart. The Bible says, We have ALL sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God.
Another truth is that there is HOPE! God knew that once sin entered the world, we would ALL need His help to overcome death / sin / and the evil one's attempts to claim us. So, He sent His Son, Jesus, into the world to do what we could NOT do for ourselves. He lived a perfect (sin free) life. He died on the cross to take our sins upon his own self. Then, he rose from the dead, concurring death and sin, so that WE could avoid the punishment that we totally deserve, and so we could spend eternity with Our Father and Our Savior, Jesus and the Holy Spirit in Heaven.
He did all the work and suffered all of what we should have suffered for us. All we have to do is accept His gift of eternal life by accepting that He is who He said He is "The Son of God," that He lived a perfect life, and that He died for you (and for me) so that we could spend eternity with Him. It is so simple and yet it is not. We have to do more than just believe, because the Bible says that faith without works is dead.
We CANNOT do anything of ourselves to get to heaven. Jesus is the ONLY way! Once we believe and accept the fact that we NEED a Savior, we will want to get to know Jesus. God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit want to have a personal relationship with us. We cannot get to know them unless we seek knowledge about them. This is my attempt to get to know God, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit better through studying His words!
We must deny ourselves and focus on him. We have to turn away from our sinful lives and do our very best to live life in a way that would be pleasing to God. It isn't easy and we will fail miserably at times but God is faithful and just to forgive us. He never promised that we would have it easy just that he would be there for us as we go through life.
These are my beliefs and this is what I live my life focusing on.